Introduction. The conducted study regarding the environmental and cultural tourism values, level of management and transport accessibility, as well as selected elements of the tourism policy of the local authorities involved the determination of the tourist potential of the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland. Areas of the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland most attractive in terms of landscape are under protection in the form of the Polesie National Park. The article discusses the issue of the tourist exploration of the PNP. It presents information on the tourism management and tourist traffic rate and variability in the years 1993-2013. Material and methods. The article was prepared based on direct observations and research by the authors in the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland. The research procedure performed in 15 communes involved the analysis of factors influencing the features of the tourist space of the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland. The tourist potential of the communes was assessed based on 18 features classified into three groups (tourist values, tourist management, and transport accessibility). The assessment was expressed in numerical values of synthetic measures of tourist attractiveness specified for each of the communes. The tourist attractiveness of the area and degree of development of the tourist and holiday function were assessed in the context of the description of its tourist potential. Results. The synthetic measures of tourist attractiveness calculated by means of the method of multidimensional comparative analysis varied from 0.142 (Hańsk) to 0.368 (Włodawa). Out of 15 communes located in the Lakeland, 5 communes were classified as very attractive, 7 as attractive, and 3 as moderately attractive. The very attractive communes include: Włodawa, Urszulin, Sosnowica, Uścimów, and Ludwin. Very attractive communes are distinguished by the highest degree of development of the holiday function. They show a varied degree of activity of the authorities - Włodawa (high activity), Sosnowica, Uścimów, Ludwin (moderate activity), and Urszulin (no activity). Very attractive communes show a varied degree of development of the tourist function. It is the basic function for Włodawa, supplementary function for Uścimów, and additional function for Sosnowica, Ludwin, and Urszulin. Conclusion. The organisation of tourism space in the łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland in the area of the Polesie National Park offers extensive possibilities of practicing various forms of tourism while maintaining the good condition of the environment.