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2015 | 87 | 6 | 315-319

Article title

Conservative surgery for pancreatic neck transection


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Pancreas is the fourth solid organ injured in blunt abdominal trauma. Isolated pancreatic injury is present in less than 1% of patients. As it is associated with high morbidity and mortality, management is controversial.Isolated pancreatic trauma cases with pancreatic neck transection following blunt abdominal trauma were analyzed. All these patients were treated with immediate surgery involving lesser sac drainage and feeding jejunostomy only.Authors conclude that lesser sac drainage can be used as an alternative to distal pancreatectomy or pancreaticojejunostomy or pancreaticogastrostomy.









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1 - 6 - 2015
1 - 6 - 2015
4 - 8 - 2015


  • Department of Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
  • Department of Gastroenterology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
  • Department of Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
  • Department of Surgery, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India


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