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2015 | 125 | 2 | 77-82

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Is there a relationship between hospital care quality assessemnt and the patient’s place of residence?


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Introduction. Measuring the patient satisfaction with the hospital stay, as well as the knowledge of their requirements are very important in the management of health institutions. A good example of the recognition of patients’ expectations is studying the level of satisfaction with specially prepared questionnaires. Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the patients’ place of residence and their satisfaction with the medical care they received when treated in local hospitals Material and methods. Patient satisfaction survey was carried out in the Independent Public Health Care Centre in Kraśnik in two subsequent years: at the turn of 2011/2012 and in February 2013. The survey consisted of patients hospitalized in the surgical wards of the hospital. A testing tool for this survey was a self-designed questionnaire entitles “Patient satisfaction survey” specifically developed by nursing managers and approved by the management of the hospital. Results. Patients of the District Hospital in Kraśnik gave their complex assessment of satisfaction with the benefits provided by the health care facility, taking into account not only the quality of strictly medical services, but the entire infrastructure of the hospital, including ancillary services. The obtained results gave a positive assessment of the analyzed branches. No statistically significant differences between the assessments of rural and urban inhabitants were found. The results allow knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of medical care in the wards. Conclusions. Residents of rural areas, who are slightly better than those who live in cities, assess the work of local hospital surgical wards. You can clearly see it by assessing the quality of nurses’ and doctors’ work and the assessment of nutrition and the appearance of patient rooms. Systematic research, measurement and evaluation of patient satisfaction with hospital care can be the basis for the improvement and ensure an appropriate level of quality









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1 - 6 - 2015
25 - 8 - 2015


  • Independent Public Health Care in Kraśnik, Poland
  • II Faculty of Medicine with English Language Division, Department of Public Health, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
  • Independent Public Health Care in Kraśnik, Poland
  • II Faculty of Medicine with English Language Division, Department of Public Health, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
  • II Faculty of Medicine with English Language Division, Department of Public Health, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
  • II Faculty of Medicine with English Language Division, Department of Public Health, Medical University of Lublin, Poland


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