It is assumed that the two-component spinor formalisms
for curved spacetimes that are endowed with torsionful
affine connexions can supply a local description
of dark energy in terms of classical massive spin-one uncharged
fields. The relevant wave functions are related to
torsional affine potentials which bear invariance under
the action of the generalized Weyl gauge group. Such potentials
are thus taken to carry an observable character
and emerge from contracted spin affinities whose patterns
are chosen in a suitable way. New covariant calculational
techniques are then developed towards deriving explicitly
the wave equations that supposedly control the propagation
in spacetime of the dark energy background. What immediately
comes out of this derivation is a presumably natural
display of interactions between the fields and both
spin torsion and curvatures. The physical properties that
may arise directly fromthe solutions to thewave equations
are not brought out.