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2015 | 50 | 1 | 1-15

Article title

The Analysis of Psychophysiological Conditions of Stress Dynamics in Candidates to the Position of a Professional Diver with Consideration of the Psychological Aspects of Diving


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The article presents a characterisation of stress situations and psychological reactions during diving. It describes the fundamental personality dimensions and temperament features, and discusses the results of research into the methods of coping with stress as well as the levels of anxiety in candidates to the position of a professional driver.









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1 - 3 - 2015
20 - 10 - 2015


  • Maritime and Hyperbaric Medicine Department, Military Institute of Medicine, Gdynia, Poland
  • University of Health Education and Social Science, Łódź, Poland
  • Maritime and Hyperbaric Medicine Department, Military Institute of Medicine, Gdynia, Poland
  • The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
  • 7 Naval Hospital, Gdańsk, Poland
  • 7 Naval Hospital, Gdańsk, Poland


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