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Research in the Field of Organic Photovoltaics at
the Institute for Problems of Chemical Physics of
Russian Academy of Sciences


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In the present review we highlight the main
research activities in the field of organic photonics and
photovoltaics at the Institute for Problems of Chemical
Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCP RAS). Extensive
investigation of optical and electrical properties of
π-conjugated organic compounds performed at IPCP RAS
since 1960’s resulted in design of many exciting materials
representing organic semiconductors, metals and superconductors.
Organic Schottky barrier and p/n junction
photovoltaic devices constructed at IPCP RAS in 1960’s
and 1970’s were among the first examples of reasonably
efficient organic solar cells at that time. These early discoveries
inspired younger generations of the researchers to
continue the work of their mentors and explore the world
of organic materials and photonic devices such as molecular
photonic switches, organic light emitting diodes, solar
cells, photodetectors, photoswitchable organic field-effect
transistors and memory elements.







Physical description


20 - 8 - 2015
6 - 2 - 2015
8 - 10 - 2015


  • Institute for Problems
    of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician
    N. N. Semenov Prospect 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432,


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