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Electronic structure predictions in Bi-O-S systems


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Bi4O4S3 was the first superconductor discovered
in the BiS2 family of novel superconductors. The subfamily
of Bi-O-S systems now expanded andwas probed both theoretically
and experimentally. Here we review the experimentalwork
done on the Bi-O-S compounds, and compare
it with theoretical results obtained using ab-initio methods.
In particular we calculate the charge carrier density
using an ab-initio calculated density of states, and find a
really close agreement with experimental data.







Physical description


27 - 10 - 2015
31 - 12 - 2015
6 - 10 - 2015


  • Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3
    0HE, United Kingdom
  • Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3
    0HE, United Kingdom
  • Nanogune and DIPC, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, 20018 San Sebastián,
    Spain, and Basque Foundation for Science, Ikerbasque, 48011 Bilbao,
  • Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3
    0HE, United Kingdom


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