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Purine nucleoside analogs in the therapy of cancer
and neuroinflammation


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Purine nucleoside analogs have been in clinical
use for almost 50 years. At the beginning developed as
antiviral agents, later their efficacy was demonstrated in
cancer treatment, especially hematological malignances.
The approval of new purine nucleoside analogs by US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the past decade
implies that the interest for these drugs still exists. Here,
we review new nucleoside analogs that are currently in
preclinical or clinical development as anticancer agents. In
addition, we highlight the potential for implementation of
these drugs in other pathological conditions, particularly
in neuroinflammation.







Physical description


11 - 5 - 2015
27 - 3 - 2015
4 - 6 - 2015


  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, KnezMihailova
    35, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute for Biological
    Research, Department of Neurobiology, University of
    Belgrade,BulevarDespotaStefana 142, Belgrade, Serbia


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