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2014 | 10 | 1 |

Article title

Efficacy of mistletoe for chemical pleurodesis in
rats without malignancy


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Chemical pleurodesis is an effective treatment
modality to reduce recurrence of malignant effusion.
Several agents have been used in chemical pleurodesis
but, it is not yet clear which is better. Eighteen Sprague-
Dawley rats were used and classified into three groups:
a group intrapleurally injected normal saline (group A,
n=6), 400mg/kg talc (group B, n=6), and 9mg/kg mistletoe
extraction (ME) (group C, n=6). Autopsy was performed to
evaluate the pleural adhesion, pathologic examination of
pleura and lung and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis
4 weeks after pleurodesis. Both group B and C showed an
obvious pleural adhesion and there was no significant difference
in grade of pleural adhesion between two groups
(p=0.58). The parietal pleural thickness in talc group than
ME group was significantly thicker (p=0.002) and the visceral
pleura of talc group showed marked foreign body
reaction with fibrosis and many multinucleated giant
cells associated with talc crystal. This study suggests that
pleurodesis using ME in condition without malignancy
has comparable effect to pleurodesis using talc. However,
additional experimental study in large animal or clinical trials would be required to prove a safety and an efficacy
of pleurodesis using ME.








Physical description


13 - 8 - 2015
4 - 9 - 2015
9 - 2 - 2015


  • Department
    of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Pusan National University
    Hospital, Biomedical Research Institution, Busan, Republic
    of Korea
  • Department
    of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Pusan National University
    Hospital, Biomedical Research Institution, Busan, Republic
    of Korea
  • Department
    of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Pusan National University
    Hospital, Biomedical Research Institution, Busan, Republic
    of Korea
  • Department
    of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Pusan National University
    Hospital, Biomedical Research Institution, Busan, Republic
    of Korea
  • Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,
    Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, Yangsan, Republic of
  • Department
    of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Pusan National University
    Hospital, Biomedical Research Institution, Busan, Republic
    of Korea
  • Department of Pathology, Pusan National
    University Hospital, Biomedical Research Institution, Busan,
    Republic of Korea


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