Background: With environmental pollution
increasing, interest in organic farming and organic foodstuffs
has been growing all over the world. Data on organic
food consumption by Lithuanian athletes is not yet available.
This lack of data determined the aim of this study: to
identify the particulars of organic foodstuff consumption
among athletes. Methods: In September–November 2012, we polled 158 of
the best-performing athletes of the Olympic sports team
through direct interviews. An approved questionnaire
was used to identify the specifics of organic foodstuff consumption
among athletes. Results: The survey results showed that 97% of athletes
consume organic foodstuffs, and 80% of athletes highlighted
the positive impact of organic food on health.
Nevertheless, a slim majority of athletes (51.7%) consume
organic foodstuffs seldomly, 2–3 times per week. The range
of organic foodstuffs consumed depends on the gender of
athletes, and the consumption of some products depends
on monthly incomes. Conclusions: Survey results confirm the need for the production
and expansion of the variety of organic foodstuffs.
In the course of the development of the organic food
market, it should be beneficial for manufacturers to target
high-performance athletes and physically active people.