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2015 | 45 | 1 | 253-259

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Global Initiative of the Special Olympics Movement for People with Intellectual Disabilities


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The mission of the Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and competition in a variety (33) of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in sharing of gifts and friendship with their families, other athletes, and their communities. The Special Olympics movement often goes beyond the sports competition formula. During the last few years, the movement has developed many new global initiatives, which expand its former sports activities. They include: 1. Coaching excellence and the coaching model 2. Partnerships with international (regional) sports federations 3. Sports Resources Teams (SRT) 4. Extended quota for high level athletes 5. Athletes Leadership Program (ALPS) 6. Young Athletes Program 7. Youth volunteer initiatives 8. Unified Sports Program 9. Motor Activity Training Program 10. Healthy Athletes Program These initiatives fulfill and expand the existing program, which was launched in 1968 and is the largest sports organization for people with disabilities worldwide, with very important new social, marketing, and developmental aspects of life, going far beyond activities met in other sports organizations.









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1 - 3 - 2015
7 - 4 - 2015


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