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2015 | 13 | 1 |

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Functional polypropylene composites filled
with ultra-fine magnesium hydroxide


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17 - 2 - 2014
26 - 11 - 2014
7 - 7 - 2014


  • Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznan University of Technology, PL-60965 Poznan, Poland
  • Institute of Materials Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management, Poznan University of Technology, PL-61138 Poznan, Poland
  • Department of Biotechnology and Food Microbiology, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Poznan University of Life Sciences, PL-60627 Poznan, Poland
  • Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznan University of Technology, PL-61138 Poznan, Poland
  • Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznan University of Technology, PL-60965 Poznan, Poland
  • Institute of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Bioengineering Poznan University of Life Science, PL-60637 Poznan, Poland
  • Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznan University of Technology, PL-60965 Poznan, Poland
  • Department of Biotechnology and Food Microbiology, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Poznan University of Life Sciences, PL-60627 Poznan, Poland
  • Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznan University of Technology, PL-60965 Poznan, Poland


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