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Hyperammonemia, an under-recognized
complication and adverse prognostic marker
in Multiple Myeloma


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Hyperammonemia, a well-known complication
of liver failure causing encephalopathy, has rarely been
reported as a complication of multiple myeloma. We
report four additional cases of hyperammonemia in
patients with treatment refractory multiple myeloma. In
these cases, we found that hyperammonemia remains a
morbid complication of resistant disease without directed
myeloma therapy. Our brief review has reaffirmed that
hyperammonemia is a poor prognostic marker in myeloma
with an undetermined mechanism. This complication’s poor
response to traditional therapies, including rifaximin and
lactulose, prompts our discussion urging early recognition
and myeloma directed therapy. Clinical observations may
support that proteasome inhibitors may be most effective in
the treatment of these patients.







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10 - 9 - 2015
16 - 5 - 2015
6 - 1 - 2016


  • Hematology/
    Oncology Fellow, Department of Hematology & Oncology, Rutgers
    Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 125 Paterson Street, Suite
    5200, New Brunswick, NJ 08901,
  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of
    Medical Oncology, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, 195 Little
    Albany Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
  • Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division Chief
    and Program Director Hematology & Oncology, Drexel University
    College of Medicine, 230 North Broad Street, 15th Floor South Tower
    Philadelphia, PA 19102


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