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Change in movement patterns asymmetry in infants with central coordination disorder in continuous studies


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Study aim: the aim of the study was to observe the dynamics of changes in postural symmetry in infants during the first year of life, undergoing a therapy using the NDT-Bobath method. Material and methods: the study included a group of 60 term infants diagnosed with central coordination disorder. The course of psychomotor development in the children was compared with a control group of peers aged 3 and 12 months. Group I (study group) consisted of 40 infants who had been subjected to treatment using the NDT-Bobath method. Group II (control group) consisted of 20 infants who, by the decision of the parents, did not undergo the therapy. In group I, four studies were carried out at an interval of every 3 months ± 1 week. In group II, studies were carried out during the 3rd and 12th month. Results: symmetry in body position patterns and movement patterns were analysed. Three levels of a child’s body were subject to the assessment of symmetry. In each study disparities in movement patterns of the left and right side were assessed. Individual features were expressed using scores, according to the principle of the higher the score, the more intense asymmetry. Conclusions: 1. The observed changes in body postural asymmetry in infants during the first year of life are more favourable in the group of children undergoing rehabilitation. 2. The catch-up growth phenomenon among the infants from the control group proceeds more slowly and reaches beyond a child’s first year of life. This indicates the need to include appropriate methods of therapy.







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30 - 11 - 2015


  • Bobath, Child Development Centre, Psary, Poland
  • Faculty of Physical Education, University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland
  • Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, University of Technology, Opole, Poland
  • Faculty of Physiotherapy, University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland


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