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The autotelic involvement of attention induced by EEG neurofeedback training improves the performance of an athlete’s mind


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immediate feedback concerning brain activity on autotelic engagement attention and the performance of athletes’ minds. Material and methods: the experimental group (25 subjects) underwent twenty neurofeedback-EEG training sessions (in the relaxation armchair) and athletic training for four months (every 7 days). The control group (25 subjects) underwent athletic training sessions. Before and after the four months of neurofeedback-EEG training sessions, the athletes were evaluated using an involvement questionnaire and Kraepelin’s work curve test. Results: the results of the analysis showed that changes in autotelic engagement were observed with an improvement in the performance of the mind (p < 0.01), which points to increased speed and mental work speed and efficiency. Among three measures of performance, we observed a significant correlation between the total number of addition operations in the test with autotelic experience (r = 0.769). Conclusions: neurofeedback-EEG training opens up new opportunities for improvement in the performance of athletes’ minds.







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16 - 6 - 2015


  • Józef Piłsudski Academy of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland


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