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Influence of textural properties on
biomineralization behavior of mesoporous
bioactive glasses


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A new method of calcination for the sol-gel derived
bioactive glass sample has been developed to produce
superior textural and bioactive properties. Based
on this method, mesoporous 67.4 SiO2-25 Na2O-5 CaO-
2.6 P2O5 (mol.%) bioactive glasses (MBGs) have been synthesized
through acid assisted sol-gel technique followed
by evaporation induced self-assembly (EISA) process,
commonly used for obtaining bioactive glasses. Moreover,
the use of microwave irradiation has been compared with
that of conventional heat treatment for a particular quaternary
composition,which has allowed the homogeneous
spatial distribution of heat and to obtain smaller, uniform
pore sizes with high surface area. The distinctions
between the two methods of calcination have been observed
in the structural, morphology and textural characteristics.
The superior textural characteristics have allowed
the rapid dissolution of MBGs followed by development
of nanocrystalline hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA)
layer. In vitro bioactive analyses on both MBGs have revealed
a rapid formation HCA layer with distinct behavior
on the biomineralization process. The difference in the behavior
of biomineralization process is attributed to the kinetics
of supersaturation of the biological medium.







Physical description


12 - 4 - 2015
16 - 7 - 2015
8 - 1 - 2015


  • Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of
    Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
  • Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of
    Delhi, Delhi-110007, India


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