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2014 | 4 | 2 | 11-19

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Comparison of the clinical status and the effects of treatment of newborns with interrupted aortic arch diagnosed prenatally and postnatally in the "Polish Mother's Memorial" Institute in Lodz in the years 2003-2012


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Material and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 41 patients with congenital heart defect IAA from ICZMP in Lodz in the years 2003-2012, including 15 (36.6%) after prenatal diagnosis. Results: An average of 4 newborns with IAA were operated annually, in the years 2003 -2009 postnatal diagnosis dominated, from 2010 prenatal diagnosis. In the group, n = 15 fetuses with IAA, heart size was normal: Avg 0.33 + / -0.05 HA / CA. Cardiovascular endurance in the CVPS : 8 - 10 points Avg. 9.56 + / -0.73. Infants in the "prenatal" group were often delivered by CS (64.3%), and infants diagnosed postnatally, often by spontaneous delivery (76.9%). In the prenatal group 100% of newborns received prostaglandin E1 from day one, and the "postnatal" group at an average of 6th day. In the "prenatal" group the dose of PGE: 0.02 ug / kg / min, in the "postnatal" group the average dose was> 2 x higher 0,042 mg / kg / min. A statistically significant relationship was shown: between the day of administering prostaglandin E1 and the number of postoperative recovery hospitalization days of the newborn with IAA. Di George Syndrome occurred in 40% in the "prenatal" and in 15.4% in the "postnatal" group. Cardiac operations in the "prenatal" group were performed at average 19th day, and at average 21st day in the "postnatal" group. Infants in the "prenatal" group remained in the postoperative recovery room an average of 7.85 + / -3.98 days, and those from the “postnatal” group an average of 8.38 + / -3.94 days (p = 0.6212). There were 3 deaths (7.3%): 1 patient diagnosed prenatally and 2 postnatally. Neonates with IAA in the "prenatal" group remained in the hospital on average: 43.69 + / - 4.82 days and 39.54 + / -3.75 days in the "postnatal" group. After cardiac surgery, hospitalization in the "prenatal" group amounted to an average of 25.2 days in the "postnatal" 26.7 days. Conclusions: 1. The prenatal diagnosis of IAA was grounds to start the administration of prostaglandin E1 on the first day of life, and in the "postnatal" group the administration of prostaglandin followed on average 6 days after birth, the "postnatal" dose was 2 x higher. 2. A statistically significant correlation was demonstrated between the day of prostaglandin E1 commencement and the number of hospitalization days of the newborn with IAA in the postoperative recovery room, the length of hospital stay in the ICU and sometimes full hospitalization.









Physical description


1 - 6 - 2014
30 - 12 - 2015
30 - 6 - 2014
4 - 5 - 2014


  • Subdivision of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Pediatric Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital Research Institute
  • Department of Prenatal Cardiology, Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital Research Institute
  • Institute of Health Sciences. The State School of Higher Professional Education in Płock
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Int Medical Therapy
  • Cardiosurgery Department, Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital Research Institute
  • Department of Prenatal Cardiology, Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital Research Institute
  • Department of Diagnoses and Prevention Fetal Malformations Medical University of Lodz


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