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2006 | 4 | 1 | 73-86

Article title

Influence of interdiffusion on the electrical conductivity of multilayered metal films


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The annealing-time dependence of the electrical conductivity of multilayered single-crystal and polycrystalline metal films has been analyzed theoretically within the frame of the semi-classical approach. It is demonstrated that changes in the electrical conductivity which are caused by the diffusion annealing allow for investigating the processes of the bulk and grain-boundary diffusion, and for estimating the coefficients of the diffusion. The electrical conductivity was calculated and the numerical analysis of the diffusion-annealing time dependence was performed at various parameters.










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1 - 3 - 2006
1 - 3 - 2006


  • Physical-Technical Faculty, Sumy State University, R.-Corsakova, 2, 40007, Sumy, Ukraine


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