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Helicobacter pylori is an etiological agent of chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and gastric cancers. The use of an appropriate animal model for experimental studies on the pathogenesis of H. pylori infections is necessary due to the chronic character of such infections and difficulties in identifying their early stage in humans. The aim of this study was to develop a guinea pig model of H. pylori infection and identify its microbiological, histological, serological and molecular determinants. Guinea pigs were inoculated per os with H. pylori strains: CCUG 17874 or ATCC 700312, both producing vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) and cytotoxin associated gene A (CagA) protein, suspended in Brucella broth with fetal calf serum (FCS) and Skirrow supplement of antibiotics. To determine H. pylori colonization, 7 and 28 days after the challenge, a panel of diagnostic methods was used. It included culturing of microorganisms from the gastric tissue, histopathological analysis of gastric sections, stained by Mayer,s haematoxylin and eosin to assess inflammatory response, by Giemsa as well as Warthin-Starry silver staining to visualise Helicobacter-like organisms (HLO) and with anti-Ki-67 antigen to assess epithelial cell proliferation. H. pylori infection was also confirmed by polymerase chain reactions (PCR) for detection in gastric tissue of ureC and cagA genes and by serological assessment of H. pylori antigens in faeces. This study showed the usefulness of microbiological, histological, immunological and molecular methods for the detection of persistent H. pylori infections in guinea pigs, which could be an appropriate model for studying H. pylori pathogenesis and the related immune response against these microbes.
Colonization of gastric tissue in humans by H. pylori Gram-negative bacteria initiates gastric and duodenal ulcers and even gastric cancers. Infections promote inflammation and damage to gastric epithelium which might be followed by the impairment of its barrier function. The role of H. pylori components in these processes has not been specified. H. pylori cytotoxicity may potentially increase in the milieu of anti-inflammatory drugs including acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). The lipid transport-associated molecule such as low density lipoprotein (LDL), which is a classic risk factor of coronary heart disease (CHD) and 7-ketocholesterol (7-kCh) a product of cholesterol oxidation, which may occur during the oxidative stress in LDL could also be considered as pro-inflammatory. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of H. pylori antigens, ASA, LDL and 7-kCh towards Kato III gastric epithelial cells, on the basis of the cell ability to reduce tetrazolium salt (MTT) and morphology of cell nuclei assessed by 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining. Kato III cells were stimulated for 24 h, at 37°C and 5% CO2, with H. pylori antigens: cytotoxin associated gene A (CagA) protein, the urease A subunit (UreA), lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and ASA, LDL or 7-kCh. H. pylori LPS, ASA, LDL and 7-kCh, but not H. pylori glycine acid extract (GE), demonstrated cytotoxicity against Kato III cells, which was related to a diminished percentage of MTT reducing cells and to an increased cell population with the signs of DNA damage. The results suggest that damage to gastric epithelial cells can be induced independently by H. pylori antigens, ASA and endogenous lipid transport-associated molecules. During H. pylori infection in vivo, especially in CHD patients, synergistic or antagonistic interactions between these factors might possibly influence the disease course. Further study is necessary to explain these potential effects.
Postuluje się, iż szczepienia przeciw gruźlicy za pomocą szczepionki Bacillus Calmette-Gue’rin (BCG) mogą przekładać się na mniejszą zapadalność na infekcje dróg oddechowych poprzez modulację uwalniania cytokin prozapalnych przez komórki odporności wrodzonej. Modulacja ta może wynikać ze zmian epigenetycznych jakie zachodzą w tych komórkach, powodując zwiększenie wytwarzania cytokin prozapalnych, takich jak IL-1β, IL-6 czy TNF-α. Nie wiadomo, czy śródbłonek naczyń płucnych wyposażony w receptory rozpoznające wzorce molekularne (PRR) oraz posiadający receptory wejścia dla ludzkich koronawirusów może być infekowany przez nie, ani czy szczepienia BCG mogą modulować jego podatność na infekcje tymi wirusami. W niniejszej pracy dokonano analizy wpływu ludzkiego koronawirusa HCoV 229E na ludzki śródbłonek naczyń płucnych. Oceniono wpływ oddziaływania sonikatów BCG na podatność na zakażenie śródbłonka HCoV 229E oraz generowanie odpowiedzi przeciwwirusowej i zapalnej.
The role of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) antigens in driving a specific immune response against the bacteria causing gastroduodenal disorders is poorly understood. Using a guinea pig model mimicking the natural history of H. pylori infection, we evaluated the effectiveness of immature and mature macrophages in promoting the blastogenesis of splenocytes from H. pylori infected and uninfected animals, in response to H. pylori antigens: glycine acid extract (GE), cytotoxin associated gene A protein (CagA), urease A (UreA) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Lymphocyte expansion was assessed in 72 h cell cultures, containing: immature or mature macrophages derived from bone marrow monocytes, unstimulated or stimulated with H. pylori antigens for 2 h. The proliferation was expressed as a ratio of [3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA of antigen-stimulated to unstimulated cells and the DNA damage was determined by DAPI cell staining. TGF-β and IFN-γ were assessed immunoenzymatically in cell culture supernatants. Lymphocytes of control and H. pylori-infected animals proliferated intensively in response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and in co-cultures with immature or mature macrophages treated with CagA or UreA (significantly) and GE (slightly) exluding the cultures containing H. pylori or E. coli LPS. This lymphocyte growth inhibition was related to DNA damage of monocytic cells in response to H. pylori or E. coli LPS and secretion of regulatory TGF-β, but not proinflammatory IFN-γ. Impaired homeostasis of monocytic cell function related to DNA damage and TGF-β release, in response to H. pylori LPS may lead to the suppression of adaptive immune response against the bacteria and development of chronic infection.
Bakteriofagi wykazują właściwości przeciwzapalne poprzez oddziaływanie na układ odpornościowy drogą obniżenia poziomu cytokin oraz innych mediatorów prozapalnych. Nabłonek dróg oddechowych stanowi istotną, mechaniczną barierę obronną odporności przeciwzakaźnej. Odgrywa również kluczową rolę w kontrolowaniu wielu funkcji dróg oddechowych. Jest źródłem cytokin i mediatorów biorących udział w procesie zapalnym. W niniejszej pracy wykazano zróżnicowany, zależny od czasu działania i stężenia bakteriofagów wpływ na syntezę kwasu 15-HETE, jak również właściwości regeneracyjne nabłonka oddechowego. Wyniki uzyskane w pracy mogą pozwolić na lepsze zrozumienie oddziaływania bakteriofagów obecnych w organizmie człowieka na procesy immunologiczne.
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